Getting Loaded

Load Testing. Not the coolest of subjects these days, you could argue, but one close to my heart. Back in 2004 I joined a software company called Mercury, at the time well know for a load testing product called LoadRunner.
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Squeezing & Sharding Cosmos DB

Recently I’ve been exploring the cost optimizations that are possible in Cosmos DB, and tripped over some interesting gotchas and side behaviors that I thought were blog worthy. This is mostly a ‘stream of consciousness’ of the various problems I bounced off, but I’m sure I’m not the only that will to go through such a journey
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Integrating with Azure Search

I currently help maintain a site called Azure Citadel, which is host to lots of techie articles, guides, labs and things related to Azure. Azure Citadel is in part is a big reason why this blog has been dead for 12 months, as the majority of my technical writing ended up there rather than as blog posts. Sorry!
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